Vintage Baby Togs Pale Blue Dress and Embroidered White Pinafore
Baby Dresses: Baby Pinafore Dresses This is a darling little vintage pinafore and dress set made by Baby Togs. The pale blue dress features a full gathered skirt falling softly from the front and back yokes. The little Peter Pan collar is edged with soft baby lace. The short puffed sleeves end with elasticized ruffles. The sweet little set includes a removable white pinafore with a white shoulder ruffles edged in soft white lace. The yoke is edged with a band of white lace interwoven with blue ribbon and topped off with a tiny blue satin bow. The skirt is highlighted by pastel embroidered flowers and three pale blue ribbon roses. The embroidery is framed with rows of white lace. Both the pinafore and the dress close all the way down the back with tiny buttons. Your little angel can wear both pieces year round and the pinafore alone in the summer.