Linens Collection: Vintage & Heirloom Baby Linens Classic Baby Blankets, Sheets, and Pillowcases Vintage Cribsheets, Pillowcases, and Placemats for Baby's Nursery Elegant Christening Shawls and Take Home Blankets In times past, a household paid much attention to its linens and those for baby were no exception. From sweet little placemats and napkins to the most elegantly embroidered imported cribsheets and pillowcases, we've tracked down a selection of baby linens that are bound to please. These make lovely baby shower gifts and great additions to the nursery. We've even used delicate embroidered all white vintage baby pillowcases for unique ring bearer pillows that can later be saved to adorn the future nursery. What a special heirloom "double-duty" gift for a bride-to-be! Dozens more beautiful linens will be added soon, including cribsheets, pram covers, vintage embroidered crib covers, and some darling chenille crib spreads from the 1940s and 1950s. Please be sure to visit us in a couple of weeks. You're in for a real treat!
Check out our new line of Max Daniel blankets, the snuggly soft must-have blankets that have taken the celebrity world by a storm. We also have a growing collection of new delicately embroidered and appliqued "dress" blankets From Feltman Brothers and Will'Beth that are perfect year around blankets for bringing your new baby boy or baby girl home from the hospital plus elegant white embroidered blankets that make ideal christening blankets. And some one of a kind crocheted blankets are coming soon!