Baby Tights and Baby Rhumba Tights Toddler Tights and Little Girls' Tights Newborn, Baby, Toddler, and Little Girls' Socks Newborn, Baby, Toddler, and Little Boys' Socks Here are the newborn, baby, toddler, and little kids knee socks you been looking for in silky cottons, in comfy cotton blends, in dressy nylon, in whites, ivories, and lots of colors, with or without cross embroideries or pearl cross appliques for christenings and baptisms. Prefer a simple cuffed sock, a dressy anklet, a sweet scalloped edging, one with lacy trim? Who could have imagined so many sock choices all in one place! And in so many sizes from newborn to big kids, you are bound to find the perfect sock for your child from infant to toddler on up at Grammie's Attic.
You'll also find the sweetest little rhumba tights for your baby (yes, they really will fit newborns, too!) and lovely cotton blend and nylon tights for babies, toddlers, and little girls in white, ivory, pink, and red. You'll find some lovely christening tights and even some darling holiday tights in red stripes, polka dots, and snowman that are perfect with your Christmas outfits!