Vintage 1950s Yellow Organdy Pinafore Style Sunsuit

Retro Baby Clothes: Vintage Baby Clothes: Retro Baby Sunsuits
This is the most adorable little retro sunsuit for your baby girl! From the 1950s, this lemon yellow dotted organdy sundress is made in sunsuit style with side snaps on the botom. The shoulder straps are fully adjustable with a sliding snap attachment. The crowning touch to this adorable little outfit is the sheer organdy overskirt that ties in the front. The sunsuit bib and skirt are all edged with sweet white lace.
Perfect for your retro baby girl's warm summer days!
Grammie's Attic has a wonderful collection of retro baby clothes, and retro toddler clothes including pinafores, sunsuits, rompers, dresses, and diaper sets for your retro baby or rockabilly baby. Be sure to see all or our retro baby clothing and retro toddler clothing!