NEW Pink Crinoline Style Half Slip
 Baby and Girls Slips: Baby and Girls Crinolines: Baby and Girls Petticoats
Yes, they do still make old fashioned crinoline half slips! Here's the most adorable little ruffly soft nylon bouffant tutu style short half slip to give all your little one's twirly dresses the perfect pouf!
So sweet and feminine for your little girl! This is the perfect petticoat for puffy little Shirley Temple style dresses or just for a twirly little tutu.
Note: length is measured from waistband to bottom of hem ruffle with ruffle fully stretched (see picture below). Because of the bouffant style of the slip it will hang shorter than the actual measurement. This slip runs quite small. It's best to order by length (about the same as the dress you plan to wear it with because it will hang shorter than the actual measurement) than by size.
size 6 to 9 months length=6½" size 12 months length=7" size 18 months length=7½" size 24 months length=8" size 2T length=8½" size 3T length=9" size 4T length=9½" size 4 length=11" size 5 length=12" size 6 length=13" size 6x length=14"
Note: This sweet little slip is also available in white. See below.
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