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Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act

In response to last year's scare over lead contaminated toys from China in which Congress enacted broad legislation requiring all products meant for children under 12 to be certified as lead and phythalate free (phythalates are stabilizers used in plastic production that can cause numerous health problems). The Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act applies to every single manufacturer, importer, distributor, retailer, maker, and small home crafter of products intended for children in the US. Effective February 10, 2009, no children's product can have more than 600 ppm of lead. The limit drops to 300 ppm in August.

During the past months, there has been much controversy about how this law should be implemented. Initially, the law required that every manufacturer test and certify their products as safe by February 10, 2009. Products not tested and certified as safe, including existing inventory in every retail store, webstore and warehouse, were required to be destroyed. Realizing the disastrous results of this interpretation of the law, the CSPC issued a new enforcement policy with a one year stay for manufacturers and importers for testing and certification requirements for lead content and phthalate limits. While manufacturers are not required to test or certify their products during this one year stay, retailers are still prohibited from selling anything that exceeds the lead limit.

Grammie's Attic is completely committed to offering safe products for your children and fully complying with the law. Some of our manufacturers have tested their products and provided us with certificates of compliance. For products without certificates of compliance, we used XRF technology to test a representative sample of the items in our inventory. The few non-compliant items we found have been removed from our inventory and sent back to the manufacturers for replacement if possible.

Grammie's Attic is two Grammies and a Grampie who care a great deal about you and about the safety of all of our babies. Charlotte is Grammie to Ryan, age 4, and Dylan, age 1 week. Becky is Grammie to Zoe, age 3. Dave is Grampie to Landon, age 1 month. (See our beautiful babies below.)

We have always offered you classic styles in beautiful, soft natural fiber clothing, cottons, silks, and linens, not the "crunchy" polyester garments you can find anywhere. Our own babies wear them and from the feedback we've received from you, our customers are thrilled to find a store that sells these lovely timeless items with hand done details that keep babies looking like babies rather than the mass produced garments that make them look like mini-adults. Please rest assured that we will do our best to keep our own babies and those of all of our customers safe.

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